Cosmetic care, Teeth brushing, Tips

Old metal fillings and crowns were once the standard for dental restorations, but advances in modern dentistry now offer more aesthetically pleasing and durable options. If you have metal fillings or crowns that have been in place for many years, it might be time to consider replacing them. At Regal Dentist Clinic International, we offer expert advice and state-of-the-art solutions for updating your dental restorations. Here’s why replacing old metal fillings and crowns can be beneficial for your oral health:

1. Aesthetic Improvement

One of the main reasons people choose to replace old metal fillings and crowns is to improve the appearance of their smile. Metal restorations, particularly silver amalgam fillings, can stand out and give your teeth a dark or discolored look. Modern dental materials, such as tooth-colored composite fillings and porcelain crowns, blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, enhancing the overall look of your smile.

How We Can Help: At Regal Dentist Clinic International, we offer natural-looking restorations made from composite resin or porcelain. These materials are color-matched to your teeth, providing a discreet and attractive solution for restoring your smile.

2. Enhanced Durability and Longevity

While metal fillings and crowns are durable, they can wear down over time, especially if they’ve been in place for many years. This can lead to problems like cracks, leaks, or tooth decay around the edges. Modern materials like ceramic and composite not only look better but are also strong and long-lasting, offering better protection for your teeth.

How We Can Help: We provide high-quality dental restorations that are designed to last. Our skilled dentists will assess the condition of your old fillings or crowns and recommend the best options for replacing them with durable, long-lasting materials.

3. Improved Tooth Strength

Old metal fillings, especially large ones, can weaken the structure of your tooth over time. When these fillings expand and contract with temperature changes, they can cause small fractures in the surrounding tooth structure, making the tooth more prone to breaking. Replacing metal fillings with composite resin or ceramic can help restore the strength and stability of your tooth.

How We Can Help: At Regal Dentist Clinic International, we offer minimally invasive treatments that strengthen your teeth and protect them from further damage. Our advanced materials bond directly to your tooth, creating a strong, supportive restoration.

4. Eliminate Metal Sensitivity

Some people experience sensitivity to the metal in their fillings or crowns, particularly if they have a mix of metal and non-metal restorations in their mouth. This sensitivity can cause discomfort or a metallic taste in the mouth. By replacing metal fillings and crowns with biocompatible, metal-free alternatives, you can eliminate these issues and enjoy a more comfortable dental experience.

How We Can Help: Our clinic offers metal-free restorative options like composite fillings and porcelain crowns. These materials are not only better for aesthetics but also more comfortable for people with metal sensitivities.

5. Prevent Further Decay

Over time, the seal between a metal filling or crown and your tooth can wear down, allowing bacteria to enter and cause decay beneath the restoration. If left untreated, this can lead to more serious issues like infections or even tooth loss. Replacing old fillings and crowns with modern materials ensures a better seal and reduces the risk of decay.

How We Can Help: At Regal Dentist Clinic International, we thoroughly evaluate the condition of your old restorations during regular check-ups. If we spot any signs of decay or damage, we’ll recommend replacing them to prevent further complications and maintain your oral health.

Why Replace Your Old Fillings and Crowns at Regal Dentist Clinic International?

At Regal Dentist Clinic International, we use the latest dental technologies and materials to provide our patients with the highest quality care. Whether you’re looking to improve the appearance of your smile, strengthen your teeth, or simply update old restorations, our experienced dentists are here to help. We take a personalized approach to every case, ensuring that your new fillings or crowns look and feel natural while enhancing the overall health of your teeth.

Schedule your consultation today to learn more about replacing old metal fillings and crowns, and let us help you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile!

3 replies on “Replacing Old Metal Fillings & Crowns”

Regal Dentistssays:

Etiam euismod condimentum velit, posuere consectetur ante posuere eget. Proin vitae elit sed velit finibus consequat vel ut lacus. Fusce non tempor leo, ac consectetur ex. Suspendisse aliquam scelerisque pulvinar. In posuere neque nec dictum elementum. Nullam quam ex, dictum ac dignissim ac, vulputate et nisl. Sed id tortor eu libero lobortis vestibulum. Vestibulum non tempor tellus. Sed urna sapien, consectetur eu lacus at, sodales rutrum elit. Sed sagittis dolor sit amet blandit accumsan.

Regal Dentistssays:

Nam lobortis massa auctor sapien vulputate efficitur. Praesent at dignissim urna, vel dignissim quam. Quisque quis ex nulla. Pellentesque et enim vestibulum, gravida ipsum ut, pharetra mi. Fusce vestibulum lectus et luctus posuere. Quisque tristique magna orci, ac bibendum est consequat vitae. Fusce semper ornare arcu. Ut vel sagittis nisi. Fusce vel imperdiet neque, sed dignissim massa. Nullam lobortis nunc elementum, lacinia ipsum sed, iaculis turpis. Quisque efficitur metus ut fringilla maximus.

Regal Dentistssays:

Quisque consectetur tellus id varius tincidunt. Fusce viverra quam purus. Cras auctor, mi eu tempor maximus, tellus nunc fermentum massa, ac tempor arcu tellus quis magna. Duis ultrices posuere condimentum. Nullam eros neque, accumsan tincidunt nunc in, ultrices aliquet mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur eu sapien quis augue lobortis blandit non sit amet turpis. Fusce eget massa a justo mattis hendrerit in ac mi. Maecenas et mi turpis. Donec feugiat est arcu, in porttitor nunc condimentum at. Morbi semper libero eu interdum convallis. Fusce eu laoreet neque. Morbi in arcu ac metus viverra sodales ut ut dui. Cras vehicula consequat risus, sit amet varius arcu sollicitudin id. Morbi dignissim tellus nisi, at semper odio ullamcorper a. Integer gravida ex tellus, vitae vehicula orci lacinia nec.

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